Located in Hartford, Ohio, “The Biggest Little Fair in the World” is always a fun time with family, friends, and strangers. The Hartford Fair is full of all the country fair feels, animals, activities, competitions, surroundings, and food. Rough trucks is a hoot of a time and my personal favorite event, or one might prefer the demolition derby or animal shows. Or, maybe some simply enjoy all the tasty goodies and fair rides. Check out the 2023 schedule: https://www.hartfordfair.com/2023 schedule.

I decided to stop at Troyer’s Marketplace in Johnstown on my way home after my recent time at the fair. An Amish-style cuisine is offered with freshly baked goods like cookies, cakes, and pies. I picked up two club sandwiches, Walnut Creek Queso potato chips, and a blackberry pie. I also chose some blue raspberry shark gummies to snack on while driving home. Everything was scrumptious!