Autumn Atmospheres Abound in Coshocton, Ohio

Autumn Atmospheres Abound in Coshocton, Ohio

In mid-October, the autumn atmosphere enhanced for us when we traveled to Coshocton, Ohio and enjoyed an alfresco style dinner in the shelter house of the Roscoe Barbeque Company near the Roscoe Basin.  We ordered Texas-style barbecued ribs and pulled pork and washed...
Serene Sunday in Coshocton, OH

Serene Sunday in Coshocton, OH

With an early start to our day, we took a little trip to Coshocton Lake Park in Coshocton, OH to fish.  We arrived a little after 8:00 am and fished at the first lake for a bit and then moved onto the second lake after walking in the tunnel under the overpass, passing...
Early Morning Fishing Adventure

Early Morning Fishing Adventure

We got up at 3:00 am, I fixed a big breakfast (waffles, scrambled eggs mixed with leftover stuffed eggplant, topped with cheese, & a side of toasted everything bagels) and then we headed to Coshocton, Ohio for an early morning fishing adventure. Coshocton Lake...